
Home of the LEDmePlay®. Since 2013.


The story

You are an insane president and in a personal conflict with another insane president. Send your troops so that your opponent will be met with fire and fury. Destroy all other units or the enemy headquarter for victory.

Selection of players and the battlefield map

In the start menu you can select who should play the RED and who the BLUE troops. Use the joystick to navigate to the entries for RED and BLUE and use the fire button to switch between '1' (Player 1), '2' (Player 2) or 'C' (Computer). It is also possible to let the computer play against itself. After selecting 'Go' you can select a battlefield map. The first map is the smallest. The higher the number, the bigger the map and the higher the number of units. From map 4 there is also air support available.







Gameplay and controls

Each game consists of rounds, which in turn consist of a movement phase, an aim phase (if units are in range of fire), repair attempts and combats. Once a map has been selected, the game begins with a first movement phase. The computer automatically moves the map to the first unit that can make a move (highlighted by white lines). The general controls in the game are as follows: If the currently active unit belongs to your troops, you can use the joystick to move the white square across the battlefield. Next to your units and the enemy units you see the two headquarters and, depending on the map, forest (green fields) and rough terrain (fields with yellow cross). Forest fields offer protection (reduces probability to get hit) but require an additional movement point to enter. Fields with rough terrain can only be entered by air units.

Press the fire button (Button A with LEDmePlay® Joypad) to select a field to move a vehicle into (Movement phase) or to aim at an enemy unit (Aim phase). When navigating to a unit, you can hold the fire button for two seconds and release (or press Button B with the LEDmePlay® Joypad) to display a screen with information about the unit. It shows the number of fields the unit can move and the distance it has already moved (the faster a unit is the lower the probability to get hit). It also displays the current and the general hit points. If there are no more hit points available, the unit is destroyed. In addition, the maximal distance to make an attack on ground units (tank symbol) and air units (helicopter symbol) and the corresponding maximal damage is displayed.

In the movement and the aim phase, the units are selected successively. The order is always random and differs in every round. Thus, it could be that one actor can move or aim with several units in a row. In the movement phase, all fields the active unit can reach are highlighted by yellow corner points. In the aim phase, all enemy units the active unit can attack are highlighted by red corner points. All units that have already made their move are surrounded by green corner points. If a damaged unit is not moved and not fires at an enemy in one round, a repair attempt is performed so that the unit can get back lost hit points. This is done after the aim phase. After that, the combat actions take place automatically based on the previously aiming. Destroyed units are removed from the game. The game ends if the headquarter or the last unit of one actor is destroyed in a combat. If this happens to both players at the same time during a round, the game ends with a draw.

Unit types


Fast ground unit with low firepower. However, it may be useful as support and in attacks on unprotected headquarters due to its speed.
Movement: 3, Armor: 3, Attack against ground targets: Range: 1, Power: 2, Attack against air targets: Range: 1, Power: 2

Light Tank

This light tank has medium firepower. Its main strength is that it is equally suitable for fighting ground and air targets.
Movement: 2, Armor: 5, Attack against ground targets: Range: 2, Power: 3, Attack against air targets: Range: 2, Power: 3

Battle Tank

A common battle tank with penetrating fire power and strong armor, but vulnerable against airstrikes.
Movement: 2, Armor: 7, Attack against ground targets: Range: 2, Power: 4, Attack against air targets: Range: 1, Power: 2


Its ultimate firepower and armor can overrun everything. Nevertheless, against air units it is as vulnerable as the Battle Tank.
Movement: 2, Armor: 9, Attack against ground targets: Range: 2, Power: 5, Attack against air targets: Range: 1, Power: 2


This artillery piece is used to support attacks on remote targets. It should ideally operate from the secondary line.
Movement: 1, Armor: 4, Attack against ground targets: Range: 3, Power: 4, Attack against air targets: Range: 1, Power: 2

Rocket Launcher

The Rocket Launcher is a simple truck which delivers deadly rocket salvos. Due to its inadequate armor, it should not be used directly on the front line.
Movement: 2, Armor: 3, Attack against ground targets: Range: 4, Power: 5, Attack against air targets: Range: 1, Power: 2

Anti-Aircraft Gun

Slow anti-aircraft gun that is well suited e.g. for the defense of headquarters.
Movement: 1, Armor: 4, Attack against ground targets: Range: 1, Power: 2, Attack against air targets: Range: 3, Power: 4


Anti-aircraft missile launcher mounted on an armored track vehicle which offers long-distance attacks against air unit. This unit could protect other units from airstrikes.
Movement: 2, Armor: 5, Attack against ground targets: Range: 1, Power: 2, Attack against air targets: Range: 4, Power: 4


Special helicopter to fight against other air units. Its combat value on ground units is limited.
Movement: 3, Armor: 5, Attack against ground targets: Range: 2, Power: 3, Attack against air targets: Range: 3, Power: 4


Heavy helicopter to attack ground units with missiles. It is vulnerable to Fightercopters.
Movement: 3, Armor: 5, Attack against ground targets: Range: 3, Power: 5, Attack against air targets: Range: 2, Power: 3


Protect your own Headquarter and destroy your oppponent ones.


  • Combine different units to groups to eliminate their individual weaknesses: for example a tank needs protection from air raids, which could be done either by your own air units or by anti-aircraft units.
  • Take advantage of the different terrain types: Forest area offers cover and thus reduces the risk of a hit.
  • Move fast with fast units, too, because it reduces the risk of being hit.
  • Repair damaged units before they are permanently lost.
  • Do not forget to protect your headquarter. Otherwise, fast units can bypass your heavy units and quickly destroy your headquarter.


Watch the gameplay of Fire&Fury on our YouTube channel.


Link to the source code:


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