
Home of the LEDmePlay®. Since 2013.


Maker of Merit Award


--- Hier gibt es eine deutschsprachige Bastelanleitung für den LEDmePlay®! ---

August 17th&18th, 2024: Simply unbelievably great once again: Maker Faire Hannover 2024

Our booth

Rush on the games

Special guest

May 18th&19th, 2024: Our first Maker Faire in the Benelux (Maker Faire Luxembourg 2024) was great fun again, albeit with a smaller line-up!

Event hall

Event hall

Rush on the games

March 16th&17th, 2024: Maker Faire Ruhr 2024 in Dortmund: We presented a new laminated LEDmePlay® with a larger matrix. The ideal setup to play Sneak together.

Mithotronic<sup>®</sup> booth


Rush on the games

October 25th, 2023: After about 2.5 years at long last a new LEDmePlay® game arrives: Enjoy Keen Kira! It is the successor of our all-time favourite Keen Kenny and it comes with some new concept: Jump and run meets Flappy Bird.

September 23th, 2023: Maker Day Duisburg 2023: A nice event in the Stadtfenster. This time there were much more visitors than at the Digitaltag in June.

Maker Day Duisburg 2023

Rush on the games

Rush on the games

August 19th&20th, 2023: THE Maker Faire!

Maker Faire Hannover 2023

Mithotronic<sup>®</sup> booth

Rush on the games

June 16th&26th, 2023: Digitaltag 2023 all over Germany. Unfortunately, not too many people knew about. Maybe this is the issue with digitalization? However, we participated in Duisburg in the Stadtfenster.

Mithotronic<sup>®</sup> booth

Mithotronic<sup>®</sup> booth

Mithotronic<sup>®</sup> booth

March 25th&26th, 2023: Maker Faire Ruhr 2023 in Dortmund. This time we have been in the dark zone which was perfectly illuminated by our devices.

Mithotronic<sup>®</sup> booth


Rush on the games

September 10th&11th, 2022: We are back! Maker Faire Hannover 2022

Mithotronic<sup>®</sup> booth


Rush on the games

March 26th&27th, 2022: The end of the dry spell!!! Maker Faire Ruhr 2022. With masks and a lot of fun!

Maker Faire Ruhr

Mithotronic<sup>®</sup> booth

Rush on the games

May 20th, 2021: A new LEDmePlay® game comes to your screen: Let's do low-gravity taxi flying in the asteroid belt with Ceres Cab Corp.

February 10th, 2021: Have you ever been a bit unhappy that you always need your computer to change the game on LEDmePlay®? We have the solution. Try LEDmePI! LEDmePI is a Raspberry Pi 3 based programmer that allows you to upload games onto the LEDmePlay®. It comes with a nice touchpad. You can learn how to build it here. For LEDmePI it was necessary to slightly customize all of our games. No worries, there is no difference if you want to upload them with the ordinary Arduino IDE. However, they are now available as ZIP packages. Each of them contains a Makefile and a small title screenshot that gets displayed when you select the game. You can ignore both if you do not use LEDmePI.

September 3rd, 2020: Unfortunately, we cannot show up on faires this year. However, here is a small gift: Vega Wars. This new game is a kind of space opera for the LEDmePlay®.

December 10th, 2019: We have teamed up with mechapro GmbH. They sell an Arduino interface board that simplifies the assembly of the LEDmePlay®. Furthermore, you can purchase the necessary RGB LED matrices on the same page.

August 24th, 2019: We improved Warehouse by fixing a small bug in the undo function and removing a graphical glitch which has occured if the player has performed a special movement pattern.

August 17th&18th, 2019: No comment needed: Maker Faire Hannover 2019. Outstanding!

Maker Faire Hannover

Mithotronic<sup>®</sup> booth

Rush on the games

April 13th, 2019: Our participation in the Rhein-Waal Mini Maker Faire was a home game for Thomas. With cold outside temperatures the visitors fought hot duels with our Tetris clone!

Hochschule Rhein-Waal

Mithotronic<sup>®</sup> booth

Rush on the games

April 11th, 2019: We uploaded a small update of Mimas which we have already shown at Maker Faire Ruhr. It contains a scrolling star background in the first level and bosses in different colors so that it looks more juicy.

March 24th, 2019: We exhibited on Maker Faire Ruhr in the DASA in Dortmund. This time we were in the "Stahlhalle" close to the old converter that had a vital role in the steel production. The organizers have awarded us the "Maker of Merit" pennant. Thank you very much. We will be happy to be there again next year!
This time, we brought our second self-built video game console, TRIme, and showed it to the crowd. Children and adults alike had fun with it. That makes us very happy!
Furthermore, we presented a new Sokoban-like game for the LEDmePlay®: Warehouse


Mithotronic<sup>®</sup> booth

Rush on the games

January 3rd, 2019: Here comes our late christmas present: Tetromino, a new Tetris-like game for the LEDmePlay®.

December 22nd, 2018: A user reported an incompatibility between our games and the newest version of the Timer Library. For now, our games require Timer Library V1.3 which must be copied to the Arduino directory on your computer. The path is something as C:\Program Files (x86)\Arduino\libraries. All links to the Timer Library on our website point now at version 1.3.

October 7th, 2018: We showed our games again in the Binarium in Dortmund. Occasion was the Star Wars exhibition closing event.


Mithotronic<sup>®</sup> booth

Rush on the games

September 28th, 2018: We presented again at Wissensnacht Ruhr, this time in the Wissenspark Gelsenkirchen. Directly after opening we had a special guest at our booth.

Wissenspark Gelsenkirchen

Special guest

Rush on the games

September 15th&16th, 2018: Highlight of the year: Maker Faire Hannover 2018. Located beside the robot wars arena, we enjoyed the crowd (new visitor record reached). Furthermore, we could present a new LEDmePlay® game that introduces you to the pleasures of round-based tactical warfare: Fire&Fury.

Mithotronic<sup>®</sup> booth

Rush on the games

Rush on the games

May 1st, 2018: We showed our games on the occasion of a special Star Wars exhibition in the Binarium in Dortmund. Our LEDmePlays harmonized perfectly with the magnificent retro objects in the collection.

Mithotronic<sup>®</sup> booth

Mithotronic<sup>®</sup> booth

Rush on the games

March 18th, 2018: We have attended the Maker Faire Ruhr in the DASA in Dortmund which was again great fun. Our booth was directly in front of a master display exhibit of an old power plant.

Mithotronic<sup>®</sup> booth

Rush on the games

View from our booth

January 26th, 2018: All our games have been updated to make them fully compatible with the LEDmePlay® Joypad and the LEDmePlayBoy. Special versions of the games are no longer required. Now, everything runs out-of-the-box.

December 22nd, 2017: New hardware has arrived: We have developed the LEDmePlay® Joypad you can build on your own. This makes you independent from rare replicates of classic joysticks and the lottery to get good old ones on ebay.

December 13th, 2017: Our christmas present: A new snake-like game: Sneak. Furthermore, we have updated and improved Amok. Finally, if you like our breakout-style game Wall'n'Ball, you can now create your own playfields with Wall'n'Ball Edit.

September 16th, 2017: We have attended the Mayersche Mini Maker Faire in Düsseldorf. See some impressions below from this little maker faire in a book store.

Mithotronic<sup>®</sup> booth

Rush on the games

View from our booth

August 28th, 2017: We are just back from the Maker Faire Hannover. It was fantastic with a lot of positive feedback from the visitors of our booth. We carried out a survey to get new ideas and combined this with a raffle. There is a winner: Chris F. has won an Arduino-Mega-compatible board. Have fun with it!

Mithotronic<sup>®</sup> booth

Rush on the games

Rush on the games

March 27th, 2017: Mithotronic@Maker Faire Ruhr. Although it was a bit too bright at our booth due to large windows and perfect weather, it was a great event once again. We presented two new games: Wall'n'Ball, a break-out game with varied features and multiple modes, and Grand Tour, a racing game which allows to compete with each other via our new X-link extension. The games will be available for download soon.

Mithotronic<sup>®</sup> booth

Rush on the games

Two connected LEDmePlays with Grand Tour

December 28, 2016: Unfortunately, we had to cancel our participation in the Mini Maker Faire Köln on short notice. However, now we are looking forward to exhibit on Maker Faire Ruhr on March 25 & 26, 2017.

November 5, 2016: We will be at Mini Maker Faire Köln!

October 30, 2016: Mithotronic@Wissensnacht Ruhr in the Dortmunder U. Pacer can now be played in an arcade cabinet.

Dortmunder U

Mithotronic<sup>®</sup> booth

Rush on the games

May 28, 2016: We have exhibited the LEDmePlay® and our new portable LEDmePlayBoy at the Maker Faire Hannover. It was very crowded and very great!

Mithotronic<sup>®</sup> booth

Rush on the games

Rush on the games

March 14, 2016: We have been at the Maker Faire Ruhr in Dortmund (March 12 & 13, 2016) and showed our new portable LEDmePlayBoy for the first time.

Mithotronic<sup>®</sup> booth

Mithotronic<sup>®</sup> booth

Rush on the games

February 21, 2016: See the new portable version of the LEDmePlay®: The LEDmePlayBoy

December 15, 2015: Read the article about LEDmePlay® in Make 6/2015.

June 29, 2015: We joined the Maker World Friedrichshafen (June 27 & 28).

Rush on the games


Mithotronic<sup>®</sup> booth

June 8, 2015: We visited the Maker Faire Hannover (June 7) and presented the LEDmePlay® for the first time.

Mithotronic<sup>®</sup> booth

Rush on the games

Rush on the games



LEDmePlay® Games

Social Media